What A Great Deal! Wet-Felting Video Tutorial includes Kit!! Susan ThompsonFebruary 10, 2022video tutorials, wet felting kit, learn how
Inspiration Wet Felted Art Sonoran Desert Blooms Susan ThompsonJanuary 27, 2022trivets, verde river, River of Time Museum, inspiration, desert blooms, Sonoran Desert, priclky pear cactus, nopales, Nopales
Video Tutorial Coming Soon! ...Meditation-Creation with Wet Felting videosSusan ThompsonJanuary 26, 2021workshops, upcoming, video
Wet Felting a Vessel with Surprises! The first making of the vessel inside a vessel Read More Susan ThompsonDecember 31, 2020wet felting, wet felted, merino wool, wool, sculpture, felt sculpture, learn to felt, home felting, online workshops
Wet Felted Card Case Susan ThompsonSeptember 2, 2020wet felted, wet felting, how to, learn to felt, pouch, bag, resist, 3-D
Revisiting a "finished" Felt Susan ThompsonFebruary 10, 2020wet felting, felt, merino wool, art to wear, red vest, carmen, artist work, handmade, creative
R & D wet-felting cubes 3 methods R & DSusan ThompsonJanuary 15, 2020research & development, wet felting, workshops, handmade, artist life, artist practice, maker, classes
Making Felted 3-D Shapes... R & DSusan ThompsonJanuary 4, 2020Spirited Hands Studiomaker, wet felted, merino wool, workshops, learning, teaching, felt sculpture, fiber art, artist work, handmade
SUMMERtime and the living is warm! Susan ThompsonJune 8, 2019Spirited Hands Studioworkshops, classes, wet felting, sculptural felting, Felting 101