Wet Felting a Vessel with Surprises!
Happy New Year
from Spirited Hands Studio
At Spirited Hands Studio we have been experimenting with wet felting some special sculptural vessels with surprise elements inside. Started out with a vessel inside of a vessel. (Inspired by Fiona’s Duthies’ shared version.) The first one was straight forward but of course the next few morphed each time. We firmly believe in making at least three of a new design. It not only internalizes the new techniques but also gives birth to new and unique iterations of the original idea! Before you know it you are not only proficient in the new technique you were learning, but also have connected to your own prior knowledge and expanded it into something from your very own brain! Creation! Check our SHOP page if you’d like to do it yourself.
Happy New Year to All from the folks at Spirited Hands Studio.